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Resizing – Why It Works, And Why Sometimes It Doesn’t

02 May, 2018

For those of you who have been there before, the disappointment is memorable.

You find The Ring. You fall in love with it, right there in the display case. Every other choice simply fades in comparison. You ask to try it on. The clerk takes it out of the cabinet, placing the ring in your hands. And you know immediately. The piece you’ve set your heart on is undeniably too small.

In most instances, a simple ring resize is a straightforward task for a jeweller. However, there are instances in which resizing is risky business.

Whether the piece in question is an engagement ring or a design you stumbled upon by chance, if you have met and fallen in love with a ring you just can’t bear to leave behind, you’ll most likely want to find out how to make it fit. Here’s what you need to know about what dictates whether a ring can be resized or not.

How is resizing done?

When resizing a ring, the band is always cut. For an increase in size, the band is cut, stretched and new metal is used to make up the new space. For a decrease, the band is cut and metal is taken out. In both cases, the band needs to be reshaped accordingly.

Distance matters.

How far is too far? In the case of resizing, we are referring to how much resilience a ring can take as it is stretched or shrunk during the resizing process. For example, a very large ring size required to be decreased to a very small size will likely compromise the ring’s strength. There needs to be a case of good judgement prior to agreeing that the ring is suitable for resizing.

Risking it with an ageing beauty

Antique rings often present difficulties too in that their fragility is often problematic under stress. An antique ring with lots of tiny stones is a far greater risk that a simple band resize in a ring with few details.

Fancy band? Beware.

The more detailed the ring, the more likely it is that your resize will be difficult. Ornate, etched, filigree, woven and puzzle ring patterns are notoriously tricky- however, if your jeweller specialises in resizes, you may be lucky enough to be united with your beloved piece after all.

Usually, after it is determined that resizing is possible, the resizing and ring are paid as a lump sum. Your jeweller will likely have you make an ‘all care, no responsibility’ agreement, which means that, while the jeweller will do their absolute best to make your ring compatible with your hand, if the resizing fails, you agree that the ring cannot be returned and the fee for the resize is not refundable.

Are you looking for the engagement ring of your dreams? We can help. Talk to us at Australian Diamond Company about the perfect piece today.

Schedule a complimentary design consultation

Step 1 - Schedule your appointment
When you are ready to book your consultation, simply choose a convenient date and time for your visit to our Melbourne showroom. We are open 7 days a week and conveniently located in the heart of the CBD.
Step 2 - Explore our showroom
When you choose ADC for your wedding band rings in Melbourne, our friendly team will warmly welcome you and take you on a guided tour of our showroom so you can immerse yourself in the brilliance of our dazzling collections.
Step 3 - Personalised design concepts
Now it's time to bring your dream ring to life. Share your vision with our knowledgeable experts, who will listen attentively and offer tailored style recommendations. We want to understand your unique preferences and create custom wedding bands in Melbourne that reflect your personal taste.
Step 4 - Meticulous craftsmanship
Once you have finalised your design, our skilled artisans will begin the meticulous process of crafting your bespoke ring. Throughout the journey, we will provide regular progress updates, ensuring you stay informed and excited about the creation of your special piece.